Brexit and Pet Passports

Brexit and Pet Passports

When Britain leaves the EU on 29th March 2019, there are three potential outcomes for the UK to be ‘listed’ with regard to pets travelling abroad.

Potential Outcome 1

The UK becomes a Part 1 listed country.
If the UK ends up as a part 1 listed country then the set up with regard to pet passports & rabies vaccinations will remain pretty much as it is at the moment. Very little will change.

Potential Outcome 2

The UK becomes a Part 2 listed country.
If the UK ends up as a part 2 listed country then all the current passport regulations would still apply but animals would also require a Model Health Certificate to travel.
It is expected that a model health certificate would be issued by an OV at least 21 days post Rabies vaccination and within 10 days of travel. The certificate would be valid for 4 months for travel within the EU.

Potential Outcome 3

The UK becomes an unlisted country.
If the UK became an unlisted country then the following requirements for travel would need to be adhered to:

  • A blood sample would need to be taken 30 days after vaccination with Rabies.
  • The animal would not be able to travel until it had a certificate with a required antibody titre from an approved laboratory and 3 months had elapsed since the date of blood sampling.
  • The animal would also require a Model Health Certificate.
  • The animal would have to enter the EU via a designated travellers point of entry (as yet, unspecified location).

All of the above outcomes are possible therefore this should bediscussed with clients when issuing Pet Passports.

Serious consideration should also be given to discussing rabies blood sampling with clients who are determined to take their pets away with them after Brexit. It may be sensible for these clients to have the blood test carried out in case the UK becomes unlisted. The risk of this strategy is that the client may have the blood test done and then find out it was unnecessary if the UK becomes a Part 1 or 2 listed country.

We will inform you of any further developments as and when they happen.

You can keep up to date with the changes as they happen here.

Pet Passport Poster

Practice information

Riverside Veterinary Centre

  • Mon
    8:30am - 6:30pm
  • Tue
    8:30am - 6:30pm
  • Wed
    8:30am - 6:30pm
  • Thu
    8:30am - 6:30pm
  • Fri
    8:30am - 6:30pm
  • Sat
    8:30am - 1:00pm
  • Sun

Emergency Details

Please call:

01773 829544

Find us here:

Unit 3 Goods Wharf Goods Road Belper Derbyshire DE56 1UU
get directions with Google Maps

Please call this number for emergencies:

01773 829544